38 digital wallet (e-wallet) with official licenses. IPrice and App Annie's research mentioned Gojek as a digital wallet with the largest monthly active users in Indonesia since the fourth quarter of 2017

The Largest Digital Wallets in Indonesia

Based on Bank Indonesia (BI) data, there are 38 digital wallet (e-wallet) with official licenses. IPrice and App Annie's research mentioned Gojek as a digital wallet with the largest monthly active users in Indonesia since the fourth quarter of 2017. For information, Gojek digital wallet user data is the number of monthly active users of Go-Pay and other services from the Gojek application. The next rank was won by Ovo who succeeded in winning for four consecutive quarters. Previously, Ovo had competed with LinkAja for the second position. 

In the second quarter of 2019, LinkAja's position was successfully shifted by newcomers, namely Dana, who managed to move up to third place. LinkAja also must go down to fourth. Jenius tends to stay in fifth place even though in the third quarter of 2018 it had risen to fourth. 

The research was conducted by iPrice Group in collaboration with the Annie App. The basis of the analysis of this most popular digital wallet application research uses monthly active users that are updated regularly. Source : panduanbank.com